Thursday 14 March 2013

Turn your enthusiasim into reality with Capri Models

You may be enthusiastic about becoming a model, but until you've had a bit of experience, you simply can't know whether you're really going to enjoy it. In association with Pacha Studios, Capri Models offers aspiring models that chance. You can have a sesisons in a studio with a professional photgrapher, and even have the skills of professional make-up artists and stylists at your disposal.

We have loads of great articles with tips and advice in the Capri Models resource bank, or you can see more on the Capri Models Tumblr page.

Capri Models is dedicated to finding the next supermodels and helping them launch their careers. By registering with Capri Models, you could have a chance to being selected for a personal consultation about what sort of modelling might be suitable and how to take your first steps in the industry.

Read reviews of Capri Models and Pacha Studios here.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Capri Models is on Facebook!

Capri Models is now on Facebook - so why not connect with us there? We update our page regularly with the latest news on our new faces, fashion and general modelling news.

You can find links to our latest articles, message us for a chat and see the latest hot fashion trends, from pink Hello Kitty contact lenses (too cute!) to case studies of the top succesful supermodels.

You can also find links to our main Capri Models site, the Capri Models pinterest page and Capri Models on tumblr!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Capri Models Joins Pinterest

Check out the Capri Models Pinterest!

We love Pinterest and we've got a new board, with loads of lovely pictures of models and the latest fashions.

There's old classics, gorgeous headwear, international stars with chequered lips... and much more...

Capri Models is on Tumblr

Capri Models is now on Tumblr, so you can check out the site to see the latest modelling pictures. We have the latest models, catwalk trends and even the odd kitty cat : )

We love following the latest image blog posts from all the biggest modelling players, including GQ, Vogue, Form Models. Elle and loads more.

Friday 22 February 2013

Guide to Becoming a Model – with Capri Models

Lots of people want to become a model, but some are more successful than others. Capri Models explains the right steps to take to give yourself the best chance of finding success as a model.

Step One – Decide if you really want to be a model

Think about the reasons for wanting to become a model, and though it might be hard, try to assess yourself realistically for model potential. Are you taller than average, do you have exceptionally clear skin and are you photogenic?

Step Two – Make sure you have support

If you’re under eighteen, then you can’t be a model without your parent’s consent, so you need to discuss it with them, and make sure they’re on side. The chances are they’ll probably get as excited about the idea as you, and will help you on your way.

Step Three – do some research

Read up on the industry, what’s expected from you and what you can expect. Find out about the major modelling agencies, how they work, where they’re based and what their guidelines are like. You can also contact a modelling support company such as Capri Models, who can give you an independent assessment for modelling potential and help you put together an action plan.

Step Four - Submit your photos to an agency

Read their guidelines carefully and make sure you follow them to the letter and don’t forget anything. Then you’ll have to wait to see what they say. It’s fine to submit to a few agencies at once, but only do as many as you’ll be able to take rejections. Rejection is part of life for a model, and no reason to give up too soon.

Step Five – Be professional

If you’re lucky enough to get invited in for an interview, then try to stay calm and just be yourself. If you’re under eighteen your guardian will need to go with you. Answer all the interviewers questions honestly, and try not to babble. If they offer you a contract then check it our carefully and read the small print.
For more advice how to become a model go to Capri Models website.

Thursday 21 February 2013

From the mouths of babes – Modelling quotes collected by Capri Models

I hate flowers - I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move.
Georgia O'Keeffe

The leading cause of death among fashion models is falling through street grates.
Dave Barry

So everyone has that problem, models have that problem, too.
Heidi Klum

Models now need to promote themselves, think like businesswomen and diversify their careers by doing other things. Chances are very slim that a mere model will become a household name today.
Tyra Banks

Most of the models have this thing I call slouchy sexy, not only in the way they dress, but in the way carry themselves. I don't think they would look hot in one of my dresses. They are more into A. Wang. Most of my clothes are nerdy sexy.
Chloe Sevigny

Today it is not the classroom nor the classics which are the repositories of models of eloquence, but the ad agencies.
Marshall McLuhan

I'm not photographing the model in the classic sense; the model is playing a part in my photographs. It's more like theater. I always work with models I know, and I let them participate in deciding how to act their part.
Kim Weston

The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.
Karl Lagerfeld

Case Study of A Supermodel – Kate Moss, by Capri Models

Kate Moss is arguably the most famous supermodel in the world. She rose to fame during the Heroin Chic model movement in the 1990s and despite waves of controversy over the years, remains one of the most highly demanded models to this day.

Picture from

Kate grew up in an unassuming family in Surrey, but was spotted at an airport when she was only 14 years old by the founder of Storm Model Management. Following a black and whiter ‘grunge’ photoshoot when she was sixteen, Kate went on to become famous for her contrast to the supermodels of the time, who tended to healthy, tall and curvaceous.

She has won many awards over the years, including ranking highly in several ‘Sexiest Women’ lists, modern muses and rich lists.

Kate Moss has worked with many of the leading international fashion  brands, including Calvin Klein, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel, Rimmel and Bulgari. She has been on the cover of countless magazines, including Vogue, Vanity Fair and the Face.

Kate has branched out from modelling and has been a fashion icon for the boho-chich movement and has even designed her own collection. She has also launched fragrances and body lotions bearing her name.

Kate’s personal life has been a focus for controversy and media interest, with partners ranging from Johnny Depp to the infamous Pete Doherty. She’s now married to Jamie Hince, the guitarist for The Kills. Her drug use has often been in the headlines, and while a cocaine scandal temporarily caused negative publicity, it doesn’t appear to have affected her earning power, which is higher than ever.

Don't wait! Register with Capri Models to become a top model!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Which are the best cities to be a model? Capri Models does a virtual tour of the fashion capitals of the world…

As with many things, location is a key factor in the success or failure of a model. Proximity to jobs means you can get there faster and cheaper, and in the fast moving fashion industry, quick turnaround is often a deal breaker. As a general rule, big cities offer many more opportunities than smaller places, as the clients and agencies are concentrated there.
There are four major fashion capitals in the world: Milan, New York, Paris, London. Capri Models explains what each of them is about.

Opportunities for modelling in Milan

In 2009 Milan was declared the top economic and media capital of fashion. There are a great many world famous Italian fashion brands which have their main headquarters located in the city, including: Valentino, Gucci, Versace, Prada, Armani and Dolce & Gabbana. Milan Fashion Week is held twice a year and is one of the Holy Grails for catwalk models.

Modelling in New York

The only recognised fashion capital outside of Europe, New York is a metropolitan city that never sleeps and is home to the cutting edge of innovation is style and culture. New York Fashion Week, branded Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek in 2009 is held in February and September every year – and was originally the first ever fashion ‘week’.

Becoming a Model in Paris

Paris has a long standing history as a centre of art and fashion and is home to several prestigious fashion houses. It is known for the classic timeless elegance of the designs that are born there. It has an up market high fashion shopping district where all the most exclusive labels can be found.

A major centre for fashion and modelling - London


London has a long history as a trendsetter and leader in world fashions, and in recent years has been named as the number 1 fashion capital of the world thanks to the ascendency of Kate Middleton and the London Olympics. The vast majority of the international modelling agencies have their main UK offices in London and it is the base for hundreds of fashion photography studios and the supporting teams, including the best photographers for glossy magazines.

The major modelling agencies are mostly based in Central London, around South Kensington and Leicester Square, including: Elite, Storm, Premier Model Management, Models 1, BMA Models and Next Models.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

We're Recommended

Find The Right Business 

Capri Models has now been listed with Recommended Company, a website containing recommended companies from the UK.

Capri Models advice for modelling interviews

So, you submitted your photos to a modelling agency and they’ve invited you in for an interview. Congratulations! You’re already further than the majority of aspiring models. This article gives tips and advice on how to give yourself the best chance of shining in the interview and impressing the agent into wanting to sign you up.
Note – if a modelling agency has signed you up without meeting you in person, they are almost certainly not a genuine modelling agency.

What to wear

The objective is to show how versatile you can be as a model, and that means being a blank canvas, so the keyword here is subtlety. Wear something simple, smart and comfortable. Simple means that your personality won’t be too in their face; smart will demonstrate that you’re mature and are taking the process seriously in a professional manner; and comfortable means that you won’t be fidgeting or struggling because of your dandy but impractical outfit.

Avoid brand names and don’t overdo it on make-up. They will want to see what you look like naturally, and if you pile on the cosmetics they will probably ask you to wash it all off. Better to go with a light foundation, clear lip gloss and maybe a touch of eyeliner or mascara.

How to act

Try to stay calm, be yourself and be professional. It’s natural to be nervous and the agents will be used to that. Make sure you listen carefully to what they ask and answer truthfully – don’t try to just tell them what you think they want to hear. They’ve done this hundreds of times and will be able to spot it a mile off. And even if you could fool them, it would only come back to bite you in the bum later. Nervousness often makes people babble. If you find yourself doing this then pause, take a few deep breaths and try to bring whatever you’re saying to a neat conclusion.

Other tips

Prepare yourself early, give yourself extra travel time and make sure you arrive at least ten minutes early. There’s nothing more stressful than arriving late and rushing in all hot and bothered and flustered. Bring something to read in case they keep you waiting, a bottle of water and whatever basic make-up you need to freshen up. And don’t forget to smile!

If you want to break into modelling with Capri Models, then visit our website and register today!

Thursday 24 January 2013

Capri Models – Advice on Avoiding Fake Modelling Agencies

There is so much competition in the fashion industry, there is always a much higher supply of aspiring models than there is available work. The sad fact is that the majority of people who want to be a model will never make it. But those people may get sucked in by scam artists, who tell them whatever they want to hear.

Fake model agencies

This is probably the most common modelling scam. A company poses as a modelling agency, and gets the ‘client’ excited and convinced that they’ve got what it takes to be the next Kate Moss. The client believes that they’re only a few steps away from launching their modelling career, and gaining lucrative modelling work.
All they have to do is pay a small admin fee (which may not be that small after all) and then the modelling work will come flowing. But what actually happens is that as soon as the person has paid their fee, the agency goes strangely quiet.
People who have fallen for this trap find that months pass and not a job is in sight.

How to know if a modelling agency is real

There are a few signs, but the key one is if they ask you for money to be listed on their books. That’s a sure sign – as genuine agencies know that doing so is breaking the law.
Another thing to look out for is if they are willing to sign you up without seeing you in person first. People have been known to send in all kind of nonsense to modelling agencies, including pictures from years ago, photoshopped photos and even pictures that aren’t them. They also lie about height, weight etc. So an agency isn’t going to take you seriously until you’ve been to their offices in person.
If you want to make it as a model, then register on our site for a free consultation and learn how best to approach modelling agencies.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Capri Models – Modelling Agency Facts

If you want to be a model, you’ve probably considered trying to join a modelling agency. But what do you really know about modelling agencies? There are a lot of misconceptions about what an agency is and what it is not. Read on to find out some facts…

A model agency is not an employer

Some people think that when you sign with a modelling agency, it’s like having a job, and they pay you for the modelling work you do. This is wrong. They simply act as your agent (the clue is in the name). They are a middle man who introduces clients to models. What actually happens is that the client pays the model and the agency takes their cut. Now it may be that this transaction is handled by the agency, so the money does appear to come from the agency, but it’s only passing through.

A modelling agency cannot and will not guarantee you work

No modelling agency will guarantee finding you work, and that will be written into your contract. It would be foolish of an agency to make promises like that because so much is out of their hands. It depends on what sort of looks are in fashion, how the clients feel and how the model comes across. The most stunning model in the world might be such a sourpuss at castings that he or she never gets a call-back.

Modelling Agencies do not require a fee to join

If a modelling agency says that you need to pay any kind of admin or any other kind of fee in order to be represented by them, then politely end the conversation. Because this con has been used so much, a law came in to protect consumers from this kind of scam. However, that doesn’t stop these fake agencies, who pretend not to know better.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Capri Models works with Plus Size Models

In recent times there has been a backlash against the unhealthy, ‘heroin’ look that’s been popular in the fashion industry for the past few decades. Sometime in the eighties, fashion designers decided that skeletons with gaunt faces and stick like bodies would be the best thing to display their wares on. And over time, Western culture has grown to believe that skinny is attractive and sexy.
This has not always been the case. Throughout history voluptuousness and curves have been considered attractive. This can be seen in historical art, where the great beauties have soft round faces and chunky, well fed bodies.
This is most likely because it’s only a recent development that humans (in the Western world at least) generally have more available to eat than they need. In history, scrawniness would have represented poverty and sickliness, whereas plumpness showed wealth and health – and was therefore attractive.
But this new obsession with skinniness has had some sad and dangerous effects, including a host of eating disorders, depression and numerous deaths.
So perhaps it’s not surprising that society is beginning to think harder about what they realty find attractive and the unrealistic pressures impressionable young girls and boys are put under.
Some industries and even countries are taking a stand by making guidelines, rules and even passing new legislation to discourage and ban the use of unhealthily thin models.

Monday 14 January 2013

Capri Models Answers your Modelling Questions

Capri Models helps new models take their first steps in the industry, so we’ve written this article to answer some of the most frequently asked questions that come up for new models we meet.

How much can I earn as a model?

Unfortunately there’s no easy answer to this, but as a general rule, brand new models earn slightly over the minimum wage, and the more experience you get, the higher salary you can command. If you have several years’ experience and a bulging portfolio, then you could make thousands of pounds for just a day’s work.
But there are other perks as well as money, including being able to keep clothing and other items, and travelling the world.

Is it easy to become a model?

No, it’s not. There are many people who would like to be a model, so competition is fierce and many people will face disappointment.  That’s why it’s so important to be realistic, and if you are sure that you have a genuine chance, then don’t give up too easily. Even the most successful models faced rejection at some point.

What are the minimum physical requirements for becoming a model?

It varies depending on the kind of modelling you’re doing and the agency you want to sign with. For fashion show catwalk modelling only the tallest models will be accepted, so unless you’re startlingly tall, you will struggle to break into this area. However, catalogue and commercial modelling has slightly more relaxed requirements and there is always the option of petite modelling. There are no specific weight or bust requirements for a model – a teen model will have different statistic to an underwear model and a sports model will be different again.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Ways to break into modelling with Capri Models

There are several different way to break into modelling is you’ve decided you think modelling might be for you. Capri Models has many years’ experience helping new models get their foot in the door of reputable modelling agencies and also to launch freelance careers, so if you want a consultation with one of our experts, visit the Capri Models website.

Break into modelling with Capri Models

The quickest and easiest way to get started is to use Capri Models to help advise you about what sort of modelling would suit you best, get a modelling portfolio together at a test shoot, train you in how to behave and what to expect and put you in contact with the most appropriate modelling agencies.

Break into modelling through competitions

Competitions can be a good way to break into the modelling industry. There are new faces competitions for particular companies and also modelling agencies sometimes run competitions in association with teen magazines or clothing brands. If you’re lucky you might get shortlisted on a TV shop like Britain’s Next Top Model, but that’s got pretty stiff competition!
You can also consider Beauty Pageants if you like the idea of some of the other rounds, as modelling is a natural progression for beauty queens.

Modelling agencies

You can approach modelling agencies directly, but be prepared to face rejection, Modelling agencies get hundreds of applications every week and most of them end up in the bin. You need to have something special if you’re going to make it through the first round. A lot of people shoot themselves in the foot by sending poor quality photographs or not reading the agency’s guidelines.
Choose your modelling agency carefully and read their guidelines if you want to have any chance of success.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Capri Models Tips on contacting modelling agencies

If you want to become a model in 2013, you’re probably wondering how to start approaching modelling agencies. Capri Models has links with many major modelling agencies and many years’ experience in helping new models get their foot in the door.
If you’d like a personal consultation, then register on our CapriModels website, or read on for some tips to help you have a successful application.

Select your modelling agency carefully

There are many different types of models and many different types of agencies. Some large agencies deal with many different types of models, but others are very specialist and niche. You need to check carefully that the agency deals with the kind of modelling you want to do, otherwise you’ll be wasting your time and you risk getting a black mark against your name for wasting their time.

Read the guidelines

Obviously, this seems obvious, but if people did regularly and reliably read the guidelines, we wouldn’t have to put this as an important point. Some people seem to think they can do things their way and the agency will take the time to deal with whatever they send in whatever format, and if it’s not right, contact them to give them feedback and guidance.
Wrong. The agency does not waste time on people who can’t even be bothered to read their guidelines. If your application deviates from their guidelines in any way, your pictures will go straight in the bin. No consideration, no phone call. You will not hear from them.


If you want to make it as a model, you have to be prepared to face rejection and bounce back. Just because one agency doesn’t like you, doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance. You just need to find the right scout, who is into your kind of look. The likelihood that you will be snapped up by the first agency you approach is very slim.

Friday 11 January 2013

Capri Models – New Year’s Resolution – Become a Model!

Perhaps you’ve been thinking for a while that you might want to be a model. But you haven’t really pursued the idea because you haven’t known where to start and how the industry works. But your new year’s resolution is to take your first steps as a model.

So where to start? Capri Models’ intro to the industry…

Well, the first thing to do is think about what sort of modelling you want to do. Most people think of catwalk models when they think of modelling, but fashion shows are only suitable for a very small minority of models, and there is a lot wider variety of modelling work out there than that.
If you’re not as tall, you may be more suited to catalogue or commercial modelling. This work can be much more plentiful and flexible and it pays well.
Or, if you have an unusual look – perhaps lots of tattoos and you like dying your hair in bold colours, then the alternative model market is growing as more clothing lines spring up to target smaller minority interest groups.
Another often overlooked sector of modelling is body part modelling. There is quite a lot of demand for models with specifically amazing body parts, such as hands, feet, eyes and ears, and some people make a good living by modelling just a single part of their body!
If you’re aged 12 – 16 you’ll be considering teen modelling, which is a whole industry in itself. Remember, teen models have to be professional – modelling is a job and requires a mature person. Clients are not going to have time for pouting and temper tantrums.
You’ll also want to consider whether you might like to try freelance modelling. This is where you deal with the business side of modelling yourself and don’t worry about joining an agency. Or you may pursue freelance if you don’t have any luck with agencies.

Come back soon for lots more useful articles to help you become a model in 2013!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Top Modelling Mistakes explained by Capri Models

Capri Models has been in the industry long enough to see pretty much all of the mistakes new models make, many of them hundreds of times over. Read on to find out what the top new model mistakes are and how you can avoid them!
If you want a helping hand as you launch your modelling career, then register on the Capri Models website.

Being over confident

We’ve seen plenty of people with unprofessional expectations, who think the world owes them a modelling career on a plate. These people may be quite attractive and have friends and family who have fed their egos, saying that they are much prettier than loads of the models on the front of the glossy magazines.
But however perfect you are to be a model, it’s important to be humble and have realistic expectations, Even if you’re stunning in normal life, once you enter the industry, you’ll be surrounded by stunning people at all times. Having a good attitude, being grateful for any help and opportunities you get will get you a long way in modelling – as well as life.

Being under confident

One the other hand, it’s no good have thin skin and getting upset every time there’s a little rejection, or feeling that you haven’t got what it takes – that’s the quickest way to make that prediction come true!
Models need to be confident and outgoing, as they are always in new situations, working with different people. Networking is also a useful part of building a successful modelling career, so it’s not really a great job for wall flowers.

Being unprofessional

Some aspiring models have the impression that modelling is a quick way to make a bit of easy money and you just have to stand around and pout. But there’s a lot more to the profession than that, and that includes knowing how to deal with client and understanding contracts and your rights.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Mother Modelling Agencies explained by Capri models

What is a mother modelling agency?

You may be surprised to hear that there are many different kinds of modelling agencies, and Capri Models is familiar with all of them.
A mother modelling agency is not an agency for mothers! Though their models may well be mothers…
No, a mother modelling agency is basically a middle-man, that acts like an agent for a model to get a contract with a modelling agency. So, if you want to join a modelling agency, you may first try to join a mother modelling agency.
The mother modelling agency will assess you for suitability and then approach their contacts in a range of agencies to see if they might be interested in signing you. They will work hard to promote you, including creating marketing materials and schmoozing their long standing contacts.
If you go through a mother modelling agency you will have a much better chance of getting your foot in the door than if you try to go directly.
A mother modelling agency may help you get non-exclusive contracts with a number of agencies, that may cover different countries, regions or even types (such as body part, fashion show or catalogue).
They might even help train new models, teaching them what to expect from the industry and from modelling agencies and familiarising them with contracts, their rights and how to stay safe.
Although it’s not their main role, mother modelling agencies may help a model find work while they are seeking a contract with a regular agency. This will help build up the model’s portfolio, experience and skills, which will make them more attractive to the agents.